In Tony Pena’s article, “A Tale of Two Cities” describes the marlin of Mexico’s coastal cities, Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo. In his section titled, “Big Marlin in Little Places” he writes, “Top Captains spend a lit of their time over these high spots (ocean ridges often fished off coast of Bahia de Tequepa) and have introduced something new to Zihuatanejo: Z-Winging. Captains such as Miguel Alvarez and Luis Macial Castro were two of the first practitioners of this downrigging technique, whereby the lead ball is replaced by the Z-Wing adjustable planar – or ‘hydrodynamic depressor,’ as the manufacturer calls it.” The article continues, “Castro took a 330-pound yellowfin… on a live skipjack trolled from the Z-Wing.” Pena describes, “One reason the Z-Wing is so popular is because it is so simple. Most Zihuatanejo crews simply attach it to a heavy cord rather than using an elaborate downrigger system.”
Big Marlin in Little Places